Thursday, 28 May 2009

Visiting Christianian.

Here is a historical place in Denmark. Most of the people in Denmark they thought that the this place has the influence with some people.

Christianian is the society of collection of defrent nations but most of them are Denish citizens.

According to the some of people said that this place is the only place where ordinary peoples lives and it is the place where you can find the nature of the earth.

In here you can find the Mama Mhoja, whom her self called the Peace Maker, She maried Tanzanian man his name is Makungu and they live good life in this place. The compaund here is big and the sociaty is spreeding.

I agree if the Government of Denmark let these people live here .

see the picture of Mama Mhoja and I in Christianian Vilagge.

Climate Change.

Tis is also intrest subject as all of us know that this year Copenhagen will host the Climate chage Summit, so the subject on this issue is very important to all who are visiting Denmark if it will be for studing or other issues.

Here we had the opotunity to have philip Mellen who is specialized on Climate. But we shouldalso know that this year summit will focus on kyoto Goals, Machanisms and Status. Not only that but also will focus on Developments and Lessons learning, Cap and trade, priority areas, process and The roles of Development countries on Climate change.

Here is a photo of Philip Mellen, while he was in the class. 

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Visiting Metro Express

It was another day for making a visit to the Metro Express where they own the 24 Timer and other three News papers.

In there we met Editor in Chief, Claus Johansen but before this visiting early in the morning we had the class which talks about International Precedents {Media Law and Freedom of Expresion}. The host of this debate was Tyge Trier, who is an Advocate and Lecturer to the Univercity of Copenhagen.

All those man can be seen in this picture but the first one is an Aditor in Chief and the second one is Lawyer.

Monday, 25 May 2009

denmark Redio and Meeting with Ban Ki Moon.

We had a great day today by visiting the Denish Broadcast Corporationwhere we met Leif Lonsmann, the Directer of Music and also we met Jorgen Laurvin, the foreign Correspondent.

All of them they had a talk with us and we manage to ask many quastions regarding with our profesion.

Here are some pictures in the room at there in DR.

In the afternoon we went to the Information Centre to meet The Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon. We were a lot of Journalists from defrent countries gether for quastioning him, almost we used one hour for this event.

Here are pictures in the meeting.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Sports in DFC.

Its helthy to have exacise every time when you get the chance, thats what DFC see in more then two eyes to put varity of sports in oder to make sure all students got the opotunity to participate.

After you return from either class or evining walking you shold at least be in one amoung those spotrs. In DFC we have Gimnastic, Pool, Dats and table tennis, but not only that they also have the big sreen Television for watching movies and news.

Here you can see my picture when I was playing pool in DFC.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Again in Parliament.

Here when I was in the Parliament constrating and asking quastions, around me are some koligen. The first one is Rose from Kenya and the socond is me.

Here are some other pictures.

I would also like to show you some other pictures from Sweeden but if you have any comments please! please you are free to ask through my Blog.

The Malmo in Sweeden.

Well it was a very nice day for the six student from Danicom to Malmo in Sweeden. It was Ajuza, Rose, Phyu Phyu, Mduma, Abdoulaye and I.

Malmo is a very nice city with a lot of tourists around. We took picture of the city, Train station and inside of the Train.

Here are some of them.

Friday, 22 May 2009

How to Bypass in the Internate.

This is very tricky subject and you should be well now the Internate other wise you can't understand anything. In yesterday class we hade also a great time of learning to make our own newsletter, which is not so hard to learn.
Here below are pictures when students were bussy learning to bypass and creat thei own Newsletters.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

These are Hillerod Councillors.

These two Councilers of Hillerod met us in the kulsvierskolen and had discussion with us and fortunetly we got the chance to ask them so many quastions.

They were pleased to see us and in this school we also got the opotunity to meet studets in their class and had a conversation with them.

How to Creat Blog.

This very Intrested class which took only two hours for lecture and all participate to creat their own blogs.

It was a very nice class like all the class we had before today. I don't think their any who didn't know how to make his\her blog.

I did it and every time I'm trying to make my blog much atractive more then others. Here are two men who make sure that we are making, one of them is Mr. Per.

The Denish Parliament

It is realy suprise to see the good relation between Member of parliament and Media here in Denmark, but it is. It take them years to trust each other and fianly they decide to agree working together.

Here in Denmark, all Media have their office in the Parliament and resposible paying of the office is parliament its self.

There cameras, redio waves and Internate so you can access whichever you want. Early afternoon on Wednesday we went to the parliament and we got the oppotunity to meet the Member of Parliament, who is also Spokes man of Forein Policy Jeppe Kofod.

He is 34 years old and he started to be the Member of Parliament seven years ago till now.

Ziarani nchini Denmark

A lot of things happens since I started my lessons here in Denmak. The first day we got the chance to know each other following by the introduction of what we are suporsed to do while we are here.

Its a group of seventeen people fro tanzania, Myanmar, Uganda, Zambia, Benin, Bukinafaso and Kenya.

This course not realy for only Journalists but also there are the head of Information, and sporkseman from diffrent Organisation from those countries.

Since we start the course we got the chance to visit the Municipality of Hilleroed including the the introduction to the legal frame work of local rule and democracy and also we hade an debate with two local politician.

The role of Media.

Kwa kawaida napenda sana kutumia lugha yakiswahili kwa hivyo nawakaribisha sasa kwenye web hii ambayo nimeitengeneza hivi karibuni. Nitajitahidi kuwapatia kile ambacho nnahisi kitakuwa kizuri kwetu sote ili tuweze kulipeleka taifa la Tanzania hususan Zanzibar.

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